Welcome to Star Citizen - Aussie Outlaws (AOL)


Greetings citizens,
This area has been put aside for communications relating to Satr Citizen and in particular the Aussie Outlaws Syndicate.

AOL in SC will be made up of core members from different groups as well as members that have seen the syndicate and decided to sign up through the RSI web site https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/AOL

If you haven't already applied then please do so. You will need to purchase the game and a ship to be able to join the syndicate, all you need to do is sign up to the RSI web site, find the ship you would like and then apply for membership. Don't be to phased about the ship you purchase to start (the minimum package is US$45.00) as we already have a redeemer and a couple of Black Cutlass's that will need to be crewed as well as soldier to do some wet work. Basically you can buy in and earn money in game to buy better ships and equipment as well as be part of other crews. I can't stress enough how huge this game will be so it would be good to get in early.

We are currently recruiting players outside of MOG from other groups and my hope is to have a syndicate that has smaller groups that play together that can be called upon to work as a cohesive unit if the need arises. This will allow us to delve into many areas of SC based on what members would like to do in the persistent universe, from hauling cargo, mining, running security for other groups or just out right piracy.

The plan is to have a committee made up from all the small groups within the syndicate so there is no one person in charge calling the shots. My hope is to have a community credit account that members can donate in game money towards

If you have friends that may be interested in playing SC then try to get them on board, the bigger the syndicate the bigger the opportunities.


So I found a pirate translator,

Greetin's citizens, 'tis area has be put aside fer communications relatin' to Star Citizen 'n in particular th' Aussie Outlaws Syndicate. AOL in SC gunna be made up 'o core members from different groups as well as members that have seen th' syndicate 'n decided to sign up through th' RSI sea site https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/AOL If ye haven't already applied then please do so. ye gunna need to purchase th' battle 'n a ship to be able to join th' syndicate, all ye need to do be sign up to th' RSI sea site, find th' ship ye would like 'n then apply fer membership. Don't be to phased 'bout th' ship ye purchase to start (th' minimum package be US$45.00) as we already have a redeemer 'n a couple 'o Black Cutlass's that gunna need to be crewed as well as swabbies to set the sails. Basically ye can buy in 'n earn doubloons in battle to buy better ships 'n equipment as well as be part 'o other crews. I ain't stress that be all I can take how huge 'tis battle gunna be so it would be jolly to get in early. We be currently recruitin' players outside 'o MOG from other groups 'n me woe be to have a syndicate that has smaller groups that fight together that can be called upon to set the sails as a cohesive unit if th' need arises. 'tis gunna allow us to delve into many areas 'o SC based on what members would like to do in th' persistent universe, from haulin' cargo, minin', runnin' security fer other groups or just out right piracy. th' plan be to have a committee made up from all th' small groups within th' syndicate so thar be no one person in charge callin' th' shots. me woe be to have a community credit account that members can donate in battle doubloons towards If ye have buckos that may be interested in fightin' SC then give a go' to get them on board, th' bigger th' syndicate th' bigger th' opportunities.
well spoken thar Cleaves, just watched this vid talking about region specific voice packs including Australian :) and the effects of internal ship inertia on multi player crews...brace for impact!



So the SC revival is here and AOL are now actively recruiting for Star Citizen, if you have had an eye on it for a while but haven't taken the plunge then please consider joining the Organization. It will allow us as a group to purchase bigger ships in game and use them to make more money in general.

If you haven't purchased a package yet then please use this referral code STAR-3H6D-BCZN which allows us to gain points to put towards items for the group, these include new ships and other items. If you have friends that you think may want to join then please get them involved in the group and use the referral code. We aim to get around 30 - 40 members that can work together on various game generated missions and player generated missions. These could range from cargo hauling with a security fleet to providing security for some other hauler for a fee, the way we play and generate work/tasks is not bound to game systems therefore we will be able to make our own way in many respects.

I look forward to seeing you in the Verse!!!